
Textualizer is a jQuery module which offers awesome text transitions.

The module accepts any number of sentences (or words) and can rotate them smartly and beautifully.

Once a sentence is about to rotate with the other one, the letters that will be re-used are kept and move to their new locations with several effects.

Textualizer currently has the following effects

  • fadeIn
  • slideLeft
  • slideTop
  • Random

It is possible to define the duration that each item will be displayed and also the duration of the transitions.

Textualizer’s main use is most likely promotional texts.

Installation and Usage

After you activated the module (at "admin/modules"), you can put the Textualizer block to any region on your page (using "admin/structure/block").


Supported Browser

Supported Browser
Textualizer has been successfully tested in the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Safari 4+
  • Firefox 3.5+
  • IE 6,7,8,9+
  • Opera 10.6+
  • Mobile Safari (iOS 4)

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