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A common set of utilities that are often reused for building Drupal sites.

Toolshed sets conventions for handling:

  • Common blocks (navigation, administration)
  • Javascript event handlers (media query events, passive events, etc...)
  • Javascript widgets (responsive pager, accordions, etc...)
  • Common Drupal render elements and admin UI building tools.

The module aims to be helpful and reduce the need to rebuild common components
or features that get reused often.

Tools in the Shed

Render Elements

The following render and form elements:

  • css_class - Form element for validating and entry of CSS classes.

Javascript Utilities

Toolshed provides the following libraries (toolshed.libraries.yml):

  • toolshed/screen-events - Registers a common onResize, onScroll and on breakpoint events.
  • toolshed/accordions - Behavior and library for creating simple accordions.
Supporting organizations: 
Module was developed by Portland Webworks

Project information
