Out of stock notification for Ubercart

It uses ajax and jquery and asks the server for available stock and replaces the 'Add to cart' button with some configurable HTML.

It should be mostly Plug&Play except for the configuration of the replacement text.

Dislpay attributes type supported for AJAX validation:

  • Select box
  • Radio buttons

It also provides server-side validation so this module can prevent the addition of out of stock items even if JS is disabled or if the user clicks on an "Add to cart" button too quickly.

Validations of stock are performed on the following places by throwing error messages accordingly:

  • Single product add to cart forms (teaser, full and catalog view): If an item out of stock or, if the item you want to add is already on your cart but you have reached the stock limit
  • Shopping cart form: If you try to add more items that the ones in stock of any product of your shopping cart
  • Order checkout and order review form: If the stock information has changed while the user is browsing the site (i.e. same item has just been bought by another user)

Dislpay attributes type NOT supported - they don't add variations to SKU, so not related to stock control:

  • Text field
  • Checkboxes

Sponsored by:

Drupal 7 initial port partially sponsored by:
himagarwal - http://www.beadnshop.com
Neo13 - http://www.neofitness.sk/

Contribute back

- Gittip
- PayPal

If you like the module, if you find it useful, and/or if you just want to contribute to this module development, please feel free to contribute to it. I will appreciate it.

I try to contribute as many modules as I can as soon as I am in the need for a new functionality that can be re-used by others. A lot of times, doing the module for others means a lot more time that if I were to do it just quick and dirty, but I like both the challenge and the process. I also try to maintain them on my spare time as time gets available.

You can also support the Drupal project as well, information is in their project page.

Project information
