This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

upload_image.module takes uploaded images, that are attached to nodes, and creates image nodes from them. Thumbnails are shown in place of the file name in the list of attachements.

From the end user's point of view, upload_image works as follows:

1) attach image as an attachment
2) select "list"
3) do the same for more images if you want to
4) submit

Each attached image will be made an image node. The thumbnail of that node is shown in the attachment list and links to the node. The author of the blog can then edit the image nodes and add more info about the picture.

The module depends on both upload.module and image.module.

This module auto-creates nodes but shows part of the created node (the thumbnail) in the context of the original node. If you chose to use a module that will make one or the other type of nodes private in some way, it is your obligation to do so to both node types. This module does not do this for you.

Project information
