Add revision support to users and fields like there is for nodes.

There is currently no upgrade path to the 2.0.x releases. If you migrate from Drupal 7 it should be possible to migrate to the 2.x releases; contact migration services professionals such as Agaric for your upgrade and/or share in the issue queue your experience.

All fields from {users} have revisions, except for password (and some non-visible fields such as login date).

* Create/edit users
* Fields on users
* Show revisions
* Revert revision
* Delete revision
* Permissions: view, revert and delete
* Views integration
* Revision diffs (in sub-module)

Revsion 2, January 2021

* Revised UI to integrate consistently with revisions in version 2 of profile2.
* Addition of diff sub-module, again for consistency. Supersedes the separate user_diff module.

* Module Monday: User Revision by Lullabot


The author can be contacted for paid customizations of this module as well as Drupal consulting and development.

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