This is a highly flexible and easily extendable filter module to embed any type of video in your site using a simple token. Other modules can add video sites/formats (called codecs) using an easy plugin architecture.

With WYSIWYG installed, you can use the Video Filter button to easily add videos in a rich text editor. TinyMCE and CKeditor are supported (both standalone and with WYSIWYG).

WYSIWYG module integration is only for Drupal 7 version. Drupal 8/9 version works with core CKEditor.

Included codecs

Token Syntax

Quick syntax:
Full syntax:
[video:URL width:WIDTH height:HEIGHT ratio:X/Y align:left/right autoplay:1/0]

Some providers support more parameters. In D8/9 version parameters can be entered through dialog form.


  • Setting default width, height and autoplay setting per input filter using filter settings.
  • Overriding default width, height and autoplay setting in the filtered code.
  • Show random video from comma separated list of URLs
  • Aligning the embedded video left or right.
  • Extensions may use additional attributes, e.g. the YouTube extension has a playlist attribute to load a random video from a playlist.
  • Drupal 8/9 version dynamically generates embedding parameters in a dialog form based on the URL user enters.

Drupal 10 / CKEditor 5 support

Please join the conversation: #3376876: Plan for D10+ / CKEditor 5

In summary:

  • Drupal 10 is supported for the text filter.
  • CKEditor 4 toolbar button should work when using the contrib module.
  • CKEditor 5 is not supported and may never work.


See README.txt (7.x).

Similar modules

  • URL to Video Filter - converts video URLs entered in a text field to a fully functioning video player.
  • Simple oEmbed - converts URL into embedded video player


Originally created by Fokke.
Currently maintained by blackdog, DamienMcKenna and minnur.

Supporting organizations: 
Sponsored Drupal 8 port
Ongoing support
Ongoing support

Project information
