This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Note: This module has been deprecated for Drupal 7 in favor of its phoenix, EVA.
We will be maintaining drupal 6 release for some old sites.

This module provides two additional Views display plugins, "Profile" and "Node content". These displays do not display on a page but get "attached" to either a user page or nodes of specified types. These views are not stored with the user or node, the way viewreference.module would, so they can be globally-reconfigured.

The node content display can be reordered on the "Manage fields" tab if CCK is enabled. If not, it will have a weight of 10 so it floats to the bottom of the node.

Usage tips

Many people have asked how to use this module to show content related to the node or user to which a view is attached. The answer is to use Arguments. Even though attached views have no path, they still get to make use of arguments.

  1. Create a nodereference field on some node type. Create several nodes of that type that nodereference to some other node.
  2. Create a new "Node content" display. Configure it as desired.
  3. Add an argument for the nodereference field you created in step 1.
  4. Set the default value of that argument to "Node ID from URL".
  5. Set the display to show on node types that are pointed to by that nodereference field.
  6. Profit! The view will now show all nodes that nodereference TO the node currently displaying (plus whatever other filters you have).

The same approach works for nid, uid, userreference, or similar fields. There's much fun to be had with Arguments. :-)


Mustardseed Media has posted an excellent videocast on using Views Attach with Nodereference URL. Highly recommended if you're having trouble wrapping your head around this module.

Oliver Seldman has also posted a video from the LA Drupal group showing how to use Views attach with Content Profile.


Views_attach was originally developed by Jeff Eaton but never released. Larry Garfield later cleaned it up and added the CCK integration.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Module categories: Content Display
  • chart icon755 sites report using this module
  • Created by Crell on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
