Views Gantt

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This module provides a views display plugin to show tasks in a GANTT Chart
using the dhtmlx GANTT javascript library. Views Gantt
uses the libraries API. Please upload the dhtmlx GANTT library
and put it in you libraries folder if you want to use this module.


1. Download and unpack the Libraries module directory in your modules folder (this will usually be "sites/all/modules/").
2. Download and unpack the Views module directory in your modules folder (this will usually be "sites/all/modules/").
3. Download and unpack the Views Gantt (this) module directory in your modules folder (this will usually be "sites/all/modules/").
4. Download and unpack the dhtmlx GANTT js library in "sites/all/libraries".
Make sure the path to the plugin files becomes:
For the older version in the 7.x-1.x branch please use the older gantt library available at
Download version 1.3 of gantt library directly

5. Go to "Administer" -> "Modules" and enable the Views Gantt module.
6. Create view with Gantt style and set all required options in the settings.

required settings:

  • ID field - task nid (numeric).
  • Name field - task title (string).
  • Date field - task start date (timestamp or date string in right format for strtotime()).
  • End date field - task end date (timestamp or date string in right format for strtotime()).
  • Progress field - task progress in percent (numeric).
  • Project ID field - project nid, can be node reference field in task (numeric).

optional settings:

  • Parent ID field - task parent nid (numeric).
  • Predecessor ID field - task predecessor nid (numeric).
  • Height of Gantt Chart - height value in px
  • Project date field - project start date (timestamp or date string in right format for strtotime()).If not provided, date of the earliest task will be used as project start date.
  • Project node type - type of project nodes

7. Date and end date fields in tasks and project can't be empty.
8. Progress of tasks having children is calculated by sum of children progress.

Please use the 7.x-2.x brach version. 7.x-1.x is not supported anymore. To upgrade just replace the old version and update to the new dhtmlx GANTT js library. Nothing else needs to be done.
This project is developed by Bright Solutions. We also offer paid Drupal and ERPAL support, integration and process consulting.

Other sponsors

Thanks to Ngage Interactive for sponsoring some features for the views gantt module.

Project information
