This module implements dynamical update of views by nodejs after executing rules action.
This module implements rules action which we can add to any rule for updating some views (views which need update, one can select in action).
During updating of views all arguments that are already passed to view will be taken into account.
It is also correctly working with views which use ajax.
Introducing video.

Why do you need to use this module?

You need to use this module if you want to update some views for all users who review these views after some event on the site.


You have some views which show last added nodes. You can create rule on event "After saving new content" after this you can add action "Views update"(which implements this module) to this rule and select views which will have to be updated.


Drupal module Views
Drupal module Rules
Drupal module node.js (Installation Video)

This module is used in distributive ASYNC Drupal

Project information
