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  • Virtual Tour is built using WebGL and JavaScript, with a sprinkling of HTML5 and CSS3.
  • It can run standalone or can be embedded using either an or a JavaScript API.
  • The stand-alone method, which is used for embedding, is the easiest and simplest to use, but the JavaScript API is more powerful and provides tighter integration.
  • Internally, the standalone viewer parses URL parameters to build a JSON-based configuration and then instantiates the viewer using the JavaScript API.
  • The standalone viewer accepts a subset of configuration parameters as URL parameters; the rest of the parameters can be set using a JSON configuration file specified using the special config URL parameter.

Panorama formats

  • Panoramic images can be provided in either equirectangular, cube map, or multiresolution
  • This module provides a field formatter for Equirectangular virtual tour effect (panorama
  • An image style is selected for the default display image and an additional
    the style is selected to be used as the Pannellum image.


  • This module depends on the core Image module and Libraries API being enabled.
    The Pannellum jQuery plugin is used for the Panoram effects.


  • Inside virtual module has a package.json file which is used to install the dependency inside virtual module just run npm install for including pannellum libraries.


To configure the Image Pannellum display, go to Administration > Structure > Content types and select the content type you would want to use. If you do not already have an Image field defined, add one by going to the Manage Fields tab. After you have an Image field, go to the Manage Display tab. Change the Format for your Image field to Pannellum Image. To change which styles are displayed in the image, select the desired image styles, and click Update

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