D7: Full event with cancel and queue. Block on left.
D7: Event management page

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Version maintainer: Demoshane.

Drupal 7 version is a complete rewrite. (Note: There is no upgrade path).

Module offers robust event handling features that you can easily extend with the power of webform and it's contrib modules.


  1. Event content type
  2. Administrative tools to manage an event
  3. Event page with current participants, and possible queue to an event
  4. Users can opt to: Signup, queue (If event is full) and cancel their signups
  5. Ending date support: After set date event is closed
  6. Participant limit support: After certain number of signups, event turns on queue and prevents users from signing up.
  7. Queue protection: Queue is protected while administrator is editing it
  8. Event overflow protection: Event can't overflow under situations many users are filling the form
  9. Re-opening event if space is freed up (Queue is protected, signups are enabled only after queue is sorted)
  10. Easy updating from queue
  11. Handling of cancelled users (Will be improved later on)
  12. Events page(view) also administrative tool for quick searching (ajax)
  13. Themeable admin page via template
  14. Slots based registration
  15. Overbooking functionality
  16. Block for user event activity
  17. Toggle to show event activity on user profile
  18. Admin page for defaults and options
  19. Start date functionality
  20. Creates webform base on node creation
  21. Toggle for single slot signups
  22. Overbooking toggle
  23. Automatic activity notification for email address via node form
  24. Toggle for automatic updating of node titles according to event status


Enable module (Preferred way: drush en webform_event)


  • Views
  • Webform (v. 3.x. Support for 4.x is planned)
  • Date

Modules that complement functionality


The Drupal 7 module is sponsored by Wunderkraut.

D6 Version

The D6 module is meant to combine the flexibility of webform with the simple event capabilities of Signup. It allows a webform-enabled content type to be flagged as an 'event', which provides a per-node event settings tab. The Drupal 6 version requires the webform module. It was sponsored by UNC Charlotte.

Project information
