
When you enable the module, the method hook_help is not implemented.

Steps to reproduce

Download and activate the module and visit its help page.

Proposed resolution

Implement the hook_help and describe the module's functionality and usage.

#3 Desktop-screenshot.png20.79 KBdharmeshbarot
#2 3344888-1.patch1.13 KBsahana _n


Sahana _N created an issue. See original summary.

sahana _n’s picture

Status: Active » Needs review
new1.13 KB

Please review the patch.

dharmeshbarot’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » dharmeshbarot
new20.79 KB

Getting error while applying this patch #2

drugan’s picture

Status: Needs review » Closed (works as designed)

Sorry to say this but because implementing HOOK_help() is optional we are going to skip this option in order to keep our code concise.

If you check the issue queue you will find that just yesterday we removed advanced help provided by the README Help module:

There is absolutely no need to make a dependency on the readmehelp contrib and help module from Drupal core. This only forces to have the help modules enabled while a website not necessarily needs it.

People don't need help, neither advanced nor formal like most modules have in their HOOK_help() implementations.

If you still need it just install any of the "README" modules below and enjoy seeing help on the /admin/help/xnumber page: