Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Event Confirm is a small module allowing you to let the user confirm triggered
events before taking action. For example, let the user to confirm a "This will
delete _everything_, OK?"-dialog before executing "that sweet AJAX-request".


Enable the module. However, this is one of those modules that requires more than
configuration to actually take action, please do read API Usage.

API Usage

Event Confirm will look for elements holding the "event-confirm"-class. E.g.:

<a href="http://example.com" class="event-confirm">Conquer!</a>

If you leeve the element at that, a default-dialog will get triggered by the
default-event. To customize these options on a element, you need to extend the
element with data-attributes. E.g.:

<a href="http://example.com" class="event-confirm" data-event-confirm-dialog="This will coquer the world, OK?">Conquer!</a>

The following options are avaiable as for now:

The event to bind to.

The text populated in the confirm-dialog.

Known issues

As the default implementation of Drupal.attachBehaviors can't guarantee any specific order in which modules behavior-code gets executed, sometimes Event Confirm's handler-injection can be run to early (resulting in other actions being triggered before the confirm-dialog is even born).

If you do experience that kind of problem, Behavior Weights might be able to help you out. Try enabling the module, and possible increase the Weight-value found on Event Confirm's settings page.

Project information

  • Created by bambilicious on , updated