Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


From a template spreadsheet, the wizard can automatically build an entire Drupal website.
Components supported by the wand :
-Content type
-Field group
-View modes
In addition, Merlin provides Gherkin automated tests for all components he build.

Git instructions

git clone http://git.drupal.org/sandbox/churel/2160815 merlin


-A behat environment (http://docs.behat.org/en/v2.5/quick_intro.html#installation)
-Selenium standalone version: http://docs.seleniumhq.org/download/ .
-A Spreadsheet editor who is able to read .ods (like https://www.libreoffice.org/)


  1. First of all if you are not familiar with Behat and selenium you should start reading this awesome article by Lin Clark : http://lin-clark.com/blog/2013/11/26/quickstart-testing-with-behat-mink-.... Here a tutorial on windows (http://comm-press.de/en/blog/installing-behat-windows)
  2. When you have a behat environement with selenium, just be sure this environment will do his actions on your drupal site (configuration under the behat.yml).
  3. Then download and install Merlin.
  4. Clone and fill the template spreadsheet (in the ods-template folder) with all the components your website need (be sure the required modules are installed on your drupal site).
  5. Give it to merlin (admin/config/system/merlin) and fill out the username and password field with a credential that are able to create those components on your site (admin for exemple)
  6. Merlin will give you a zip. When you unzip it you will have two folders:
    • One for the build
    • One for the test

    Into those folder there are two kind of file :
    .feature : Behat feature file
    FeatureContext.php : Some new step definition.

  7. Add the new steps and run feature on your behat environment to create/test every component.


I presented this module on the DrupalCamp Toronto 2014
And I wrote a blog article about it : http://therefore.ca/blog/birth-merlin

Supporting organizations: 

Project information