Run as Cron task or on demand
Set age, reminder interval and content types
Include HTML and placeholders in body of reminder email
Run 'on demand' as required

Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


You have a big site and lots of authors, so it's a major issue ensuring that your authors keep their content up to date. Expired Pages provides a simple and flexible means of sending email reminders to authors who have not updated their content within a set date.


  • Run at selected intervals (as a Cron task), or on demand.
  • Select which of your content types are checked for expiry.
  • Define the age at which content becomes 'expired'.
  • Define the interval after which users will receive email reminders.
  • Edit the default reminder email.
  • Include HTML and basic placeholder tokens in the reminder email.
  • Delegate permission to access the module's admin area.



As standard. Activate the module. You must visit its settings page and supply a few basic settings before it will run. (Don't forget to give yourself permission to access the module through the permissions page!)

Project information

  • Created by duncan246 on , updated