Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


Scald IPTC provides IPTC tags importation for Scald Image atoms.

Selected set of IPTC tags can be integrated in Scald Atoms during upload/import, namely :

  • ObjectName tag to title;
  • By-line tag to scald_authors;
  • Keywords tag to scald_tags;
  • Caption-Abstract to a field named field_description, if this field exists;

Fields filled by user are never overwritten : they are filled only if they are empty, or set with (useless) default; IPTC actually acts as default settings.

Anyway, IPTC values are shown as description elements for corresponding fields, with a copy button to overwrite previous data;

The module is active in "add" mode, and "edit" mode as well, which integrates new tags if the image has been uploaded again in the background, via FTP, IMCE, or others...

Processing is not limited to image atoms : it applies to the any atom type, as long as it has a valid thumbnail; It comes _after_ provider's processing, so the user can choose in case of conflict (about author mainly).

Project information

  • Created by gifad on , updated