Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


The Commerce Points module allows a commerce customer to pay his order partially with money and partially with points. The ratio between both currencies can be set by use of a price slider UI. The more (user)points the user wants to use, the more he has to move the slider.
The module provides out of the box functionality but basic Views (and Rules) knowledge is required to get the best result.

Commerce Points functionality

  1. Money mode:All products have a money based price (original Commerce price field). During checkout the user can slide to partially or fully use points as a method of payment. A required minimum money price (equal for all products) can be set on the general Commerce Points settings page. A required minimum points price can be set per product by filling in the points price field of the product.
  2. Points mode: All products have a points based price (Commerce Points points price field). During checkout the user can slide to partially or fully use money as a method of payment. A required minimum points price (equal for all products) can be set on the general Commerce Points settings page. A required minimum money price can be set per product by filling in the Commerce price field of the product.
  3. The chosen percentage (= balance between money and points) on order level will be divided over all the line items. This is done so to handle correct refunds of money and points when goods are returned.
  4. The value of one point can be determined.
  5. The step size of the point slider can be set.
  6. An optional, customisable and translatable help text in the price slider Commerce pane.
  7. AJAX reload of the cart + animation by choice.

Commerce Points comes with

  • A commerce currency 'Points' (PNT)
  • Expansion fields to the Commerce default entity types Product, Line Item and Order to handle the points
  • Commerce pane: price slider
  • Views integration for the 'order total points'
  • Rules logics for handling the price calculations



To be added.

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*Work in progress*

Download this module via GIT:
git clone --branch 7.x-1.x git.drupal.org:sandbox/lennartvv/2214637.git commerce_points

Project information

  • Module categories: E-commerce
  • Created by Fernly on , updated