Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This project is a proof of concept for integrating Drupal 8 Core with Behat.


For an instructional walkthrough, please watch the screencast overview of this fork

Steps to use

  1. git checkout 8.x
  2. cd path/to/drupal/docroot
  3. composer update
  4. Install drupal (e.g., via web browser)
  5. drush en behat
  6. download selenium standalone server
  7. start the selenium server locally java -jar path/to/selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar
  8. update sites/[yoursite]/files/behat.yml and set base_url to your site's base_url
  9. drush brun
  10. execute behat tests from drupal docroot./core/scripts/run-behat-tests.sh

Dev Goals

  • Update core composer.json to include required behat libraries
  • Add example .feature file to core
  • Add behat.yml file for core
  • Populate required, site-specific behat.yml values on install
  • Provide discovery mechanism for .feature files and subcontexts provided by contributed modules
  • Provide discovery mechanism for site specific yml files (i.e., for multisite installations)
  • Provide build files for popular build tools, like Jenkins
  • Create drush command that can run Behat tests against both core and contrib features
  • Work on testbot integration

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • Created by grasmash on , updated