Out of the box horizontal youtube video list
Custom crop examples

Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Youtube feed block is a simple module that creates a block of youtube video thumbnails displayed as links to their respective videos. It is specifically designed to give a good control over the videos' thumbnails, and allows the user to crop and rescale them.

Also, this module detects the user's crop and automatically pick the most optimized thumbnail from youtube (since the first one has a higher resolution)

The module settings currently include:

  • The Channel's name (required)
  • The number of thumbnails to display (required)
  • The video titles display (on / off)
  • The video titles max length
  • The thumbnail's width
  • The thumbnail's height (will crop the image)

Planned future features (in no particular order):

  • Custom play icon
  • Custom hover reaction (color change, transparency, etc.)
  • Add the link's title html element in settings
  • Instead of using straight thumbnail crop values, try and use the website's image style
  • Detect https protocole and fetch video's using the same protocole

Possible future feature:

  • Interact with the site's block cache settings, create a temporary database and store the thumbnails in the files folder.
  • Include custom thumbnails cropping shape
  • Separate basic options from 'advanced' option to help users
  • Create a sub module, which woudl import the colorbox jquery library (from the library module) and add the option of showing the video through a colorbox, instead of a link to youtube.
  • Add an hover effect to our thumbnails
  • Create multiple blocks with different default template or create a 'preset' of settings creating an entirely new display

Known issues:
No known issues at the moment.

This project is currently entirely maintained by Mobile Programmation.

Project information

  • Module categories: Media
  • Created by Marc-Antoine on , updated