Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

DrupalWinCache is an implementation of Drupal's DrupalCacheInterface interface for using wincache as cache.

This Drupal module make use of the PHP WinCache extension for caching key-value pairs. The PHP Wincache extension includes 5 different types of caches.

1. Opcode cache
2. File Cache
3. Resolve File Path Cache
4. User Cache
5. Session Handler Cache

This Drupal module uses UserCache feature, that uses Windows Shared Memory Cache for caching. The UserCache can be used to store PHP objects and variables and then re-used on subsequent requests. This can be used to improve performance of PHP scripts when running in IIS.

By default Drupal uses DrupalDatabaseCache (an implementation of DrupalCacheInterface) which uses database for caching. Please refer readme.txt for the instructions to configure Drupal to use DrupalWinCache.

Project information

  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Created by granola on , updated