Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

What this module is about

Adds tabbed interface for translatable fields (like Wordpress qTranslate plugin).


  1. Module is not integrated with Entity Translation, i.e. if Multilingual
    support will be changed to 'Enabled, with field translation' (provided by the
    Entity Translation module), no translations to other languages will be present.
    But the field translation itself will be preserved. Basically, when new
    translation will be added, field will have translated values (not a default
    language ones)
  2. Module supports nodes only
  3. Field can be make translatable only if it doesn't have any data
  4. Nodes will be created in current content language (neutral language breaks
    this module functionality)
  5. jQuery UI Tabs is not aware of form validation errors, i.e. first tab is
    always being displayed as default

Current status

Will be posted to regular Drupal projects after community testing.
If you are interested in this module, let me know. I'll try to expand it to support all entities.

Sponsored by: Lemberg Solutions

Project information