Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This modules should be regarded a streamlined solution for batch-uploading of images (and other files) for Drupal 7 in modern (HTML5 compliant) browser, nothing more.
Most probably it won't get ported to neither to 6.x, nor 8.x as there are alternatives already.

What's the plan

  • Will use hooks to alter the widget field, adding new widget clones for every extra file submitted by the HTML5 multiple file upload, of course, respecting the limits set in the field config.
  • It will also alter $_FILES to have a Drupal File API compatible structure.
  • The HTML5 upload field will be automatically used in ALL browsers supporting it for ALL multi-value File/Image widgets (I guess a small change in the theme will do the trick).


On Nov, 26-27, 2011

Project information