SA-CONTRIB-2015-065 - Registration codes - Multiple vulnerabilities

SA-CONTRIB-2015-064 - Ubercart Discount Coupons - Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

SA-CONTRIB-2015-063 - Webform - Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Reorder child page in site building guide (SOLVED)

The #drupal irc seems rather unhelpful these days.

I'm working some pages for my module in the "Contributed modules" section of the "Site Building Guide." I'd like to rearrange the child pages to a more logical order. I can't find any way to do it.

I'm starting to suspect that it isn't possible unless you have permission to edit the whole book. Can this really be true? I see several references to other contributed modules that would let you do that, but those apparently aren't enabled for Site Building Guide.

Suggestions, anyone?

Custom menu with drupal_get_form plus form_alter_hook


I'm working in Drupal 6 to create a custom module. I have a menu that creates some custom URLs and tabs for me, and each item runs a page callback function, which itself runs drupal_get_form.

What I'm observing is that this process does not run mymodule_form_name_alter. While this makes sense, I'd like to achieve both of these ends.

Here's some of what I currently have:

Duplicate Meta Data

Could anyone tell me why I keep getting double meta tags on individual product pages?

I need to turn one off but can't figure out where or how. Thanks

See screenshot example


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