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I have web D6 installed in locahost database named Drupal.
In same localhost i have database Data with table Test witch have some imported data.
I allready connected dabase Data in setting.php but now i want know how to use it.
Best will be cut table Test to Fields and use Views to export what i need.
But how to do it. How to make Collumn named Name in table Test to look like Field Data_Name in Drupal.
Thanks for help
I've a Database Dump of a Drupal 6 installation (but not the installation istself!) where I need to create an export from. I found the nodes (Artikels) I need and I see the files table. But I can't finde a connecting Key or a matching table.
Can annyone help me please? I just need the link between files and nodes.
There are several modules in Drupal that act as a way to integrate Salesforce and Webform. Ideally, we'd only have one, but this page attempts to point them out and highlight some differences. At some point, perhaps for Drupal 8, we'll be able to merge all of these.
We're getting tons of bots visiting node/add and attempting to post spam.
We have good spam-prevention modules so they can't, but all those requests to node/add are wasting bandwitch.
Because only bots visit the particular page node/add, I was wondering if there's a way to ban the IP of whoever visits node/add, because it's certainly a bot and banning them one by one is futile as they're tens of thousands different IP's.