Updating D6 core and contrib module using Drush not working

I have a Drupal 6.16 site which I want update the core and contrib modules to the latest available version for D6 (Drupal 6.38). I want do the update process using Drush, and NOT manually. Once I do this, I plan on upgrade D6 to D7. In the future, I will upgrade from D6 to D7.

I am trying to update using Drush 8.0.5, however I am unable to. When I use the command "drush pm-update", I see a list of all the modules, but it says "Installed version not supported". See example below.

Migration from production site to WAMP server breaks admin menu

Need to upgrade a Drupal 6 site. Stuck on moving production site to WAMP. After move, all site nav menu links work. However, all admin_menu links resolve to page with this error message "This page can't be displayed. Make sure the web address http://localhost is correct."

Made various suggested changes to settings and htaccess files, disabled clean urls and reloaded database. Moved a second site and have same issue.

Trying to update through update.php leads to error

I am on Drupal 6.16. I am trying to update few modules and in the long run update the core also, but I am running into a major issue.

Every time I try to run an update I get an error. When I go to /update.php, review the updates, and then click on "Update" button, it results in an error. The error I get is below:

Search not working


I am using Drupal 6.2.

And my serach was working fine, but now is not working.

I allready do this steps:

1 - disable the search module
2 - save
3 - clear site cache
4 - re-enabling the Search module,
5 - save
6 - clearing cache again
7 - reindex the site
8 - run cron

But still dosen´t work.
Any ideas?


Migrate user - content profile (D6) --> user core (D8)

Ciao, devo convertire il mio sito drupal 6 in Drupal 8. Il primo problema è la conversione degli utenti dal vecchio modulo "content profile" al core di drupal 8.
Come posso fare?
Grazie mille

How to add an announcement block to Drupal forum


I'd like to add an announcement block in one of my subforums (Drupal 6). Just a paragraph of text after forum name and before the list of threads. Is it possible to do so easily? I tried adding a block via /admin/build/block/add, but it can only be positioned in "Header", "Footer", "Content" and so on, however I need to position it in the middle of content… Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


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