Add Greek in Node

I’m using D6, don’t know exactly which version. I do have access to the admin part of the site, but not to MySQL, and not to the Drupal files (so, no access to the template files). Just the browser admin part, that’s all.

I’m using TinyMCE as an editor.

My problem: I need to input some Greek letters in a number of nodes.

Several Drupal versions configuration

We are going to organise our site into several subdomains the following way: - Drupal 7 - Drupal 7 - Drupal 6 - Drupal 8

Drupal 6 to 7, Migrate Module VS Upgrade Method

Hello Drupal-ers,

I'm looking to upgrade several sites from Drupal 6 to 7.
After some research, I have come across two solutions, some use the Migrate module for less complicated sites, while some use the more manual method as stated in the Upgrade.txt documentation.

I believe the Migrate module is more suitable for simpler sites and is a little bit more straightforward. While the manual method essentially works around the /sites directory.

My website get redirected

My website I think has been hacked. When I write the URL in the address box of the browser, it almost immediately get redirected to another website. I checked the index.php and I think there was nothing wrong with it. I also deleted the the .htaccess files from many locations, no use. One important notice I would like to point out here that when I disable javascripts the website works normally and it does not redirect. Is this a database hack and if so, which table.

hook_views_pre_execute not work with view 6.x-3.x version

the hook_views_pre_execute work only with views 6.x-2.x version
not with 6.x-3.x;
someone solved this?
for who use drupal 6.

I posted the issue also in views module

Safe to use Devel/Theme developer on a site in maintenance mode?

Safe to use Devel/Theme developer on a site in maintenance mode?


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