Screen error when add modules

I'm doing commerce websites [link removed] but when added to about 7-8 module and activate up to be white screen on Aministrator.Khi -> Site building -> Modules also similar errors.

I use Drupal version 6.19
Can you help me solve it? Thanks!

fix a problem with image uploads?

I am currently having an issue with images on my Drupal hosted website that I could do with some urgent help on if possible.

I was originally having the issue of not being able to upload any images with an error message of 'The file could not be uploaded.' appearing.

How can I share a photo or video to Social Media?

I have a photo album where I want to put the share option on every picture in the slide show. Also I embed videos from YouTube that people should be able to share. Is there a module that can share images and videos?
Note that I don't want to share the whole node of the photo album, just a single item in it.

I have seen and tried several modules, including AddToAny and Social Share but they just put the share button on the node, content, teaser. Not on the image pop-up.

Set Windows to "Show hidden files, folders, or drives", and to NOT "Hide extensions for known file types"

If you are using a Microsoft Windows computer,
it is critically important that you
display files that are normally hidden from you
by your selecting the 'Folder Options' radio-button
"Show hidden files, folders, and drives".
And it is equally important
that you display all file extensions
that are normally hidden from you,
by your de-selecting the checkbox
"Hide extensions for known file types".

Microsoft 'File Explorer Options' set to show hidden files, and all file extensions; plus more

By default, Windows hides certain files
that it has classified as worthy of being 'hidden'.
And, by default, Windows does not display
certain file extensions.

I have no doubt that Microsoft did this
to reduce the burden upon
their telephone support department
by reducing the number of calls from,
for example, parents whose 2 to 3-year-olds
play 'drums' on the keyboard.

This is, however,
a completely unacceptable situation
for you as you work on your Drupal site,
and you should adjust Windows
to display all files,
and display all file extensions.

Drupal 6 module to store images in AWS S3

Hi I'm running my Drupal 6.x site and would like to setup my image storage on Amazon Web Service S3

Is there any 6.x compatible module that will setup S3 on my site?

Kindly assist Thanks !

Deploying Drupal with Docker

Hi there,

We've started a new open source initiative As you can tell from its name the idea is to help developers adopt docker containers. The GitHub repository contains docker compose file that can be used to pull and run containers. All containers use public images (official or forks) and pre-configured to work with Drupal.


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