"Description field" in cck file type not migrated when using CCK Content Migrate

I have a cck file field that is used to hold a mp3 file. I enabled the"Description field" under its settings. The "Description field" is used to "Display a text field where users may enter a description about the uploaded file."

When i used the CCK Content Migrate to upgrade from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 this "Description field" data is not migrated. Everything else works fine.

How can i get the data held in "Description field" to migrate over?

Call to undefined function drupal_add_html_head

Im upgrading from 6 to 7. I followed the instructions found here: https://www.drupal.org/node/570162. When I get to step 13 Run the update script i get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function drupal_add_html_head() in /var/www/clarityraoupgrade/includes/install.core.inc on line 713

Any ideas what to do?

How to upgrade old Drupal6-site?

Recently I inherited one very old and outdated durpal6-site and I have to "revive" it. I'm looking at it, and honestly do not know what to do. It is some old D6-site, with 6.28 core and ~50 equally outdated modules. I think first step is to bring it to the latest 6x version, then I will try to upgrade it to 7x.

Q1: Should I start first with core, then modules? Or first modules, then core?

Q2: Can I upgrade core/modules right to the latest version (core to 6.38), or I have to go over all versions in between?

application/x-shockwave-flash video dosen't work on drupal 6

Hey all
I have a drupal site that have embeded YouTube videos, for some reason the videos stopped working today.

I have tried to embed a youtube iframe but i keep getting the same bad display, however there are YouTube iframes that look o.k in this site.

By the way, This website contains 3500 pages, today i gave a scrapper to run all over the site pages. eather way, the problem exists in the stage version of this site as well.

this is the page where one of the non functioning videos is

Help Migrating Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 Using Drupal-to-Drupal Module - Unfilled Dependencies Custom Content Types

Hi All,

We're trying to migrate an old Drupal 6 site with tons of custom content types over to Drupal 7. Needless to say, this has been a very difficult process.

Number of items to display within a content type scope

I do not actively use Drupal so i am not certain what are the correct terms to explain this issue.

There is a content type ( say xyz )

and I have created content within this xyz content type.

Say i have created 60 instances ( or pages of separate/unique contents within xyz content type).

However When i go to the site and click on mydrupalsite/xyz , it does not list all 60. In fact just 8 only.


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