Want to print form in node.tpl.php

I am using user_relationship module, In this its has a feature of add to friend on clicking on it, a friend request confirmation form is shown, I Want to print this this form in node.tpl.php, below is my code

print drupal_get_form('user_relationships_ui_request_form', $requester, $requestee, $form_state);

6.x Drupal Core/Disabled Functionalities/Updates/

Hey all. Doing some maintenance work on the company site. This is my first run in with Drupal and I cannot for the life of me, set a featured image for a blog. I grab the jpeg from my carousel and copy its location to the blog. Upon investigating I realized that the version is outdated and many features are no longer supported. Could this be or is this the issue?

Also, has anyone been through these updates, can someone with no drupal exp and no coding exp take a safe shot at this? Although, I am tech savy :)


Upgrade current Drupal theme to be mobile responsive

Hi all, does anybody know if I can upgrade my current Drupal theme to be mobile friendly/ responsive without having to re design it? I am not a designer/ programmer and I am wondering if there is an easy way to do this through an add on service or anything?? Thank you in advance for your help.

forms, $form

My form includes several statements from the database, which are generated randomly, ie every time there are new (something like a test). And i need to remember current values, but in &form i can't get the right ones, there are allways updated ones. How can i fix it?

function mudule_form(&$form_state){
$all = array(
'one' => $st[0],
'two' => $st[1],

Tech Support needing help with clients site

Hi there.
TL;DR at bottom.

Short background: I'm a trainee Tech Support. Only have knowledge of HTML and currently training in the others. For security reasons I'd rather not link the website I'm working on.

Anyway, a client came in the shop and stated their website had been hacked and asked us to look into it. Sure enough it had been. I've managed to essentially get rid of all the crap they put on to the site and reverted it back to normal. That was the easy part.

How to remove the HTML tags in the emails sent by the Contact Form?

When the contact form is sent on my site, the email that arrives has HTML paragraph tags around each sentence <p> & </p>
Where are the setting to change this option?


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