Multiple Aliases within VirtualHost

I have a request for a new subdomain, let's call it, that will redirect to a current site at From what I've researched, this should be as simple as adding to ServerAlias tag within the VirtualHosts file. But it's not working...

First, here's the relevant portion from VH:

Sheetnode Frequently Asked Questions


What format should text tables have to be properly imported by sheetnode_text?
Cells should be separated by at least two whitespaces to be recognized.

How can I refer to external data from my cells?

Installation of Sheetnode and Extra Modules

Install Sheetnode

Version 2.x

  • Download sheetnode module. Either using drush drush dl sheetnode or download and place in sites/all/modules/contrib.
  • Download and install libraries module. Same as above.

How to Create a Sheetnode or a Sheetnode View

How to create a Sheetnode

  • Install this module (only Sheetnode module needed)
  • Create content > Sheetnode
  • Enjoy your first online spreadsheet!

How to create a Sheetnode View

  • Install Views and this module (only Sheetnode module needed)
  • Create a new view of type Node (for example)
  • In Basic settings > Style, select "Spreadsheet"
  • Click "Update default display" to use the default Spreadsheet settings


Sheetnode integrates the JavaScript spreadsheet engine SocialCalc as a new node type in Drupal. SocialCalc was written by Dan Bricklin, co-author of the original VisiCalc spreadsheet app in 1979, and is used in the OLPC XO laptop and the SocialText Collaboration Platform.

Error 500 after I updated the Slogan

I got an Error 500 after I updated the Slogan.

I would like to know where the slogan is stored in the MySQL database so I can delete it.

Thanks in advance!



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