list all nodes on a site for inventory

I need to make an inventory of a Drupal site with hundreds of pages. I was asked for a spreadsheet that displays all of the nodes on the site and its properties from the list below:

page title
node ID
node url
menu depth
parent node
breadcrumb would be nice

I am trying Views and I have most items displayed except for parent node and breadcrumb. At least I can sort the list by NodeID. Would all of this work better using phpmyadmin and create a SQL query to join all of the data?

Lost FTP details -


I recently taken on the responsibility for a website and do not know the ftp details which makes any real update impossible. I have done everything I could but there is the previous person who worked on the website is not reachable by any means.

New table for each field

I'm not sure how to pose this issue.

I am trying to migrate to D7 from a D6 site which has several custom tables and tens of thousands of documents referenced in a table named "files". The D6 database has 254 tables while the migrated D7 database now has 510 tables. It turns out that each of the fields (columns) in the D6 custom tables have been turned into their own individual table. This seems preposterous to me and will prevent me from providing .csv files of each table to my client who analyses the content offline.

Is there a way to avoid this table expansion?

Drupal 6 and Mailchimp pop-up form

I have setup a webform in Mailchimp that I would like to use as a pop-up. What are the steps required to install the webform as a pop-up within Drupal 6?

Please let me know and thanks in advance!

How do I get the current logged in user's UID?

As far as I know, I can get the UID of the currently logged in user with the following code:

global $user;
echo $user->uid;

However, when I put the above code in the basic page, I always get the UID of the author of the node.

Please help me to resolve this issue.

UBERCART DRUPAL 8 Review Test Discussion Opinion Feedback on Drupal 8 Ubercart Shop

UBERCART DRUPAL 8 Review Test Discussion Opinion Feedback on Drupal 8 Ubercart Shop


Anybody has started working on Drupal 8 ubercart ? I am trying to develop the community to get the job done faster.

Maybe you also need some modules to be adapted faster and we should share the cost ?

Please tell us if you were using ubercart drupal 6 and now want to work on drupal 8 ubercart ?

Thank you for your feeedback.


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