Howto create an unusual menu behaviour

I got a menue where one item is supposed to be open at the start, like this:

Menu option 1
   Submenu option 1
   Submenu option 2
   Submenu option 3
Menu option 2
Menu option 3

So much is easy.

Now the customer wants, that when one opens Menu option 2 or 3, the submenu of Menu option 1 closes.

Is this possible and if so how?

Unknown reason for block background color [solved]

I am at my wit's end, because I cannot figure out why the block with the title "Aktuelles" in the right column of this site has a grey backgroud:

How can I change it to white?

How to make Googles tracking code invisible? [fixed]

I have the Google Analytics module installed and as a consequence Googles tracking code is displayed in the head of every page.

How can I change its color so that it is not visible to a visitor?

When I check the code I see no option to apply css to it. This is the code of the page header:

After core update, copy modules back, update report says old version but files dates are newer version - what's going on?

I'm working on updating a D6 website. Using Drush I have updated all modules, one at a time, to get a clean modules update report until the only item left showing an available update is core. My site was D6.26. I backup all modules, themes, sites folders, .htaccess and robots.txt before I upgrade core to D6.37 successfully and get a status report that says D6.37, but no modules. Doing so cleans out my /modules folder of all contrib modules and my themes.

Site maintenance

Hello everyone, my site, developed with Drupal 6, enters and exits maintenance mode automatically. In maintenance mode I can not access as an administrator. The manager host tells me that everything runs smoothly and that is an error code of CMS.
How can I check this?

Can't recover passwort for user 1

For reasons I cannot see, my Drupal 6 site tells me it cannot send me a new passwort. I checked with PHPMyAdmin that I got the right email address.

I then copied the hashed passwort from another site where I know the passwort, to this site's user 1, but I wasn't able to login.

What is missing?

How else can I recover my site?


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