Need help upgrading a custom module from D6 to D7

I wrote the "Metis" module for a non-profit project I'm collaborating with. Now I'm working on an upgrade of the website to Drupal 7 and I need to have a D7 version of the module. But I'm not a very experienced module developer, which is why I'm seeking for help.

The module isn't really complex. Basically, it provides a field (in D6: CCK field) that contains a checkbox and, if activated, saves a so called "metis code" to include it in the HTML source.

How to import Multiple users

I have installed drupal on my localhost server and I have already install quiz module for Computer Based Test (CBT). I have a lot of students that want to attend the exam which I have their details on a excel sheet document. I need help on how to upload multiple users to my drupal site.
Thank you for your support.

Synchronizing D6 & D8 user data

We're beginning an effort to migrate from D6 to D8. Since the application being migrated is large, complex, and mission-critical; our plan is to port over and deploy small bits of functionality to D8 over time. Both D6 and D8 will be running simultaneously on production until a total migration of all functionality is complete.

Say what? Essentially, we'll be routing certain URLs to the D8 instance (ie: /featureB/), and leave the others to route to the D6 instance (/featureA/).

/featureB/ ----> Drupal 8
/featureA/ ----> Drupal 6

Implementation of Widget on Drupal 6 site


I have a very easy job to install a widget on my website. It basically has all of the instructions and simply needs to be uploaded and implemented.
If you complete this job well. I will need some more work done. I am including the link to the widget's github, so that you can review it.

Please give send me an estimate with your reply.

Best Regards,


How can we do that with Drupal

I am looking for an easy way to do something like this page : image or content that switch when overmousing.
This content shall be "dynamic", either from node fields or views.

Thanks for help

Need a Drupal 7 expert to solve thorny problem

I've had a site developed, but the original developer is unavailable and the site is currently unusably slow.

If I disable imagecache external module then the page loads very quickly (but with no images). If I enable it, then the page can take up to one minute to load. I know it has to get the images, but there are only 12 images and they are ~3KB in size so, it shouldn't take anything like as long as it does.

I'm pretty sure imagecache external is called in the bespoke module that's been developed for me, but I'm lost beyond that.


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