Content type cross site : solutions ?


We have 3 website and installation of drupal.

How to use cross site content type ?
- Domain module can do it
- AEGIR can do it (?) => If yes, how to do ?
- any other idea ? (RSS flux for exemple)

Thanks for your idea.


Drupal 6 Set custom field to read only when editing content type

I have a custom content type (my_custom_content), when the user creates an instance of my_custom_content they are asked to enter a unique value for the instance, once it is set it cannot be changed so on the edit screen that field needs to be read only.

how do i set a field to be readonly if it has a value?


Temporary files directory Not fully protected [IIS]

Hello, I'm moving a site from Apache to IIS, everything is fine, but in the reports it says "Temporary files directory Not fully protected" and recomends to create .htaccess file which is not applicable to IIS, please help me configure it.

USPS module gives correct qutoes but users cant checkout


I am getting this error when checking out using the USPS as a shipping quote. Any ideas?

Some products in your cart cannot be shipped using the options you selected.
T-Shirt, M4 Carbine cannot ship by usps---4.

I have verified I have production access to the USPS API. I get a correct quote price.

Thanks a lot.

Page without node, cannot locate on server either.

I am trying to locate a page on my server. It was created by a third party we are no longer in touch with, and while the content is editable, I cannot find the actual page within drupal or on the server. It has no node associated with it.

How would I go about accessing this particular page to edit the title, for instance (NOT the content in the body of the page)?

Similarly, can you explain where individual nodes are stored on the server?

Thank you!


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