Upgrading from D6 to D7 Stuck

I am upgrading a site from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7, following the instructions here: https://www.drupal.org/node/570162

When running update.php it gets stuck on the first step 'Updating user module' at 0%. I'm wondering if this might be because the site has about 400,000 registered users (another issue there I need to fix), or if something else is going on to prevent it from updating. Perhaps the message

field data and revision tables still showing in database and not in admin/reports/fields

During my clean up activity on my database with the help of Schema module I found that following field 'field_myfield' does not show in admin/reports/fields. But its data and revision tables are present in database.

field_data_field_myfield, field_revision_field_myfield

Following code does not remove these tables from database. Also, i can't see any record related to this field in field_config table. My question is it safe to remove these tables manually?

Please help me locate source file

I have drupal 6 up and running and also using danland theme for my localhost. I was using php code to configure a block, after saving the block and moving it to preface area. The site is messed up, can't access admin page to change anything. I tried using index.php?q=admin, does not work. So when I am viewing source code of my page, I saw the code i typed in the block. But I can't find the source file to edit, please help

Update errors

I just installed several module updates and ran update. I got two errors:

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/bin/drupal-6.37/update.php on line 340


array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /var/www/bin/drupal-6.37/update.php on line 173.

There were no errors reported in the results.

I then ran update again and got no errors. Am I OK?

Images not showing

We have a couple of sites running on 6.34 (am updating this now) where we are using ImageAssist to put images into the text of a page. Since the last use, however, when we now click on the ImageAssist icon under the body text box when editing, the box for manipulating the image comes up and Browse Images shows reasonable counts for images, but none show. There are many pages indicated and one can move through the pages, but no images show on any pages.


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