Drupal LDAP Module support Windows 2012 Active Directory

Please help. We are planning to upgrade Windows 2012 Active Directory. Currently we use Drupal 6.22 syncing Windows 2008 R2 Active Directory. We like to know if Drupal 6.22 will support Windows 2012 Active Directory. Thank you!

How to add " Create new topic" buttons/functionality ?

Greetings all ye Drupal gurus,

This is pertaining to the site www.dentistrytoday.info (made in drupal 6.34) and www.drdarakh.com (made in Drupal 7).

How to achieve this scroll for content

Can anyone have a look at this page and tell how to achieve this functionality.


When you scroll, a new page loads. And, even the URL at the top changes.


Upgrade Error D6=>D7: Uncaught exception thrown in session handler.

Hi everyone! So I am trying to upgrade an old D6 site, which has very few contributed modules; very basic site.

I've upgraded Drupal sites before so I don't *think* I messed up any steps...

This is the error I get when I run update.php:

"page not found errors" for anonymous users

Seems like this problem keeps coming up in D6 when the cache is enabled... specifically for
/user/register and /node/add. Clearing the cache fixes it, temporarily. Anyone know of a
permanent fix?

Thanks for any input,

issues after updating to drupal 6.37

Website update fails on drupal 6.37! Anything?


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