Error Message on Drupal Website:

Strict warning: Declaration of views_plugin_style_default::options() should be compatible with views_object::options() in views_include_handler() (line 76 of /mnt/www/html/ucsf/docroot/sites/all/modules/contrib/views/includes/

Just appeared today on our home page.

SECURITY CONCERN: reference links: suitability for Drupal CMS of Apache+cPanel+suPHP on single user system (VPS or Dedicated)

First a clear statement; there is absolutely no doubt (based on both personal experience with a compromised pre-Drupal-7.32 site and on a review of literally 100s of discussions of this matter both on and wider WWW) that running suPHP (which forces the web server to run PHP script as cPanel/filesystem user) has serious security implications for all PHP-based CMS systems, including Drupal.

Is there any RESTful Web Services that available for Drupal 6.XX?

Is there any RESTful Web Services that available for Drupal 6.XX?
I saw that there is module for drupal7 that allowed to manage users via rest api, currently we still working on Drupal6, do we have any other module that support on Drupal6?


Is RESTful Web Services available for Drupal 6.XX?

Is there any RESTful Web Services that available for Drupal 6.XX?
I saw that there is module for drupal7 that allowed to manage users via rest api, currently we still working on Drupal6, do we have any other module that support on Drupal6?


Migrate drupal 6 -> 8 - module biblio


I am looking for what i need to migrate my sites from "Drupal 6" to "Drupal 8".

One of my problems is the module "Biblio" witch look like not very active i am not sure that it will be create for "Drupal 8".

Is there any body witch has found a process to solve that problem.

Merci d'avance, and sorry for my english

Adding Multi group with dynamic (add more) in Drupal 6

Hi All,

I am new to drupal. I am using Drupal 6. I have created one node type where I have to add multi group (with 2 dropdown) and also this multigroup should be added dynamically (with 'Add more itmes' functionality)

Could you please help/give any pointers to me?

Your help will be highly appriciated.



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