www. and login problem

Hello. I have this kind of problem:
First I login to www.mysite.com under administrator: I see the log out link.
Second I click the link that looks like mysite.com/node/1985: the log out link dissapear.
Third in the adress bar I add www. to mysite.com/node/1985 and log out link appears again.

Of course I edited the link and now it works fine, but I've lost my mind while finding out what was the problem, and I hardly got it back, is there any way to make both variants to work?

Cross-module updating

Hello, all. I'm the maintainer for the Discogs for Drupal project:

I have sort of an obscure question. The 6.x version of the project was a single module that provided a "discogs" node type, and imported releases from Discogs.com into that node type. I did NOT use CCK for the fields, because I wanted to avoid dependencies, instead creating my own fields.

cck field is not saved with node_save

Hey, I'm experiencing an interesting issue that cck field can not be saved to one node with node_save, while the other node can be done saved.

$c = node_load(101086);
$c->field_date_founded[0]['value'] = '2001-01-01T06:00:00';
$c = node_load(101086);

Node/101086 doesn't change.

But following code works. Node/46455's field is updated to the time.

Users are automatically logged out

Hey, we have a Drupal site. The users are automatically logged out once a week. We have set following at settings.php

ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime',  2000000);
ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1);
ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 100);

Somehow, it just does't work. Our staff has experienced this issue for a long time. User doesn't clear browser's cache at all, yet the logged in user(user/1) is still automatically logged out.

admin has not been activated or is blocked.

I did something very stupid. I was blocking older users that never logged I have blocked also the admin access, becuase I am getting the message that is not activated.
Can somebody help me, please. I am feeling a little nervous :-/

Found the solution


Aweber or Mailchimp with Drupal 6 Ubercart 2 shop ?

Aweber or Mailchimp with Drupal 6 Ubercart 2 shop ?


Which service do you use or would you use on a Drupal 6 Ubercart 2 shop ?

Aweber or Mailchimp ?

Thank you if you also give me some reasons why choosing one rather than the other one.


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