Aegir - Moderately Critical - Code Execution Prevention - SA-CONTRIB-2015-113

Web Links - Less Critical - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) - SA-CONTRIB-2015-110

Upgrade from 6 to 7 or do a clean install?


A client has a fairly large Drupal 6 site with a couple of thousand users. We're overhauling the site entirely (new design, new functionality). I'm wondering what the best approach would be.

  • Should I upgrade the current Drupal 6 installation to Drupal 7?
  • Should I do a clean install of Drupal 7, all new modules etc. then import users and nodes?

Just trying to make my life as easy as possible, thanks in advance!

jquery issue with pre-order buttons


I've got a weird issue with one of my drupal 6 sites.

When you load a product page the orange Pre-order and Add to Cart buttons flash on the page before jquery hides one of them.

Can any one point me in the direction to make it so that jquery does its work before the page is displayed so that the user doesn't get the weird flashing thing happening?

[résolu, solved]Taxonomie - version 6 -> version 8


J’ai quelques sites en version 6 que je souhaite passer en version 8 prochainement.
Je ne suis pas passée par Drupal 7.

Mes sites sont entièrement structurés autour de la taxonomie.
J’ai utilisé toutes les possibilités de Drupal 6 autour de la taxonomie.

J’essaye de tester Drupal 8 et je constate que les URL de type « taxonomie/term/1+5 » ne fonctionnent plus.

J’ai tenté de passer par Views, mais je n’arrive pas à configurer une vue pour avoir l’équivalent, c’est à dire avoir les nœuds qui ont deux termes de taxonomie en même temps.

Webform renders Server 500 Error on Submit

Hi there. I recently inherited this Drupal site and although I have some coding experience, but I am more of a database girl and this is pretty new to me. I had created a Webform and everything was working fine. Submitting worked perfectly. I wanted to change the display properties on submit and I "tried" to modify the webform-submission.tpl.php file, but I obviously did something wrong. Now none of our webforms will submit. All I want to do is figure out how to revert the webform-submission.tpl.php back to default, or not needing it in there at all.


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