Theme screenshots

On page, if you make use of the "Filter by Drupal Core compatibility" feature, screenshots disappear from the page.

You are left with two choices:

1. A large list of themes with screenshots for all versions.
2. A shorter list of themes for a specific version without screenshot.

Can this be fixed? It seems like a silly inconsistency.

Forum Listings

I'm not sure how difficult this would be - but I think it would really make sense for certain forums to be displayed ordered based on creation date (desc) instead of on latest update ... mainly news & events since seeing a comment about an event from 2006 isn't helpful or at least isn't likely to be important enough to warrant pushing other posts down. For other non-time-based topics, the latest update ordering of course makes the most sense. Thoughts?

Packaging error - Status 1

I don't quite know how to fix this... sorry, if this has been asked several times. Probably it's a standard error... Thanks for help anyway. => I'll therefor test a patch somewhere as lullabot suggestet on their podcast :D

captcha on

I would like to suggest that introduces CAPTCHAs for user registration, to improve interactions with affiliates.

Broken format at

Whilst looking through the modules using 'Browse by name'

(which by the way could do with breaking up maybe by A-Z or just pages- its getting rather long now)

I noticed that the table format is broken between module 'Themer' and 'Themester'

In 'Themer' - 'Find out more Bugs and feature requests is broken' this has caused the same line in 'Themester' and subsequent rows to fall out of the row into the the top of the next row

Track changes from content to admin settings, to newly applied modules

I will be outsourcing my web site's development and will be mandating that the outsource use Drupal to build it. I will be hosting the site and the outsource will be delivering the changes to me on a regular basis. I want to isolate my production site, i.e. no direct edits to production will be allowed by the outsource. So I was trying to come up with a way that I could allow the outsource to have free reign to make changes in a development environment and deliver the end result to me so that I could implement it. I understand that there are ways to make this happen fairly easily; however my problem is this:

The site will be designed so that users of the site will be able to edit certain content. As I understand Drupal, the only two moving parts are the OS files or infrastructure and the database. I can easily track changes to the OS files, but the database changes are a bit more difficult to pin down. My original thought was to take a snapshot of my database and my OS and send it to the outsource. When they are finished making changes, the would send back any new or modified OS files as well as a new snapshot of the database. Then I could simply import the new database and deploy the new/changed files and be up and running.


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