This forum is for less technical discussions about the Drupal project, not for support questions.

Wiki module - new architecture

I'm a recent convert to Drupal after running my site based upon JSPWiki for about a year. I'm currently running a fairly simple site ( using the wiki module.

To cut to the end of my story, I've got a re-architected version of the wiki module partially working that implements a new node->format. I would like some help in fixing some bugs and investigating core changes to support an elegant implementation. But first, let me start the story from the beginning:

Drupals Biggest Flaw

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, let me say that i recommend drupal to ANYONE looking for a powerful CMS, in fact I do so regulary. I LIKE this prgrame ;-)

The only real thing that annoys me though, is to me, drupals biggest flaw: Integrated HTML and PHP! Eeeeek!

I'm a clean code nunt and like to use w3c standard xhtml/css and find it near impossilbe to wade through all the php in the core program and added modules to find the bits of html i need to edit. It's a real pain, and IMO not the best practice....

There, rant over hehehe!


Image Module - How to limit description size on thumbnails?

Hi all,

Where in the admin menu can i limit the amount of words to be shown for each thumbnail in the image module galleries?

Many thanks..


Does a roadmap exist?

I was looking around on the site, and did some searches, but I could not find any concrete road-map for the Drupal project. Does one exist? ... If so, where do I find it? ... If not, why not?

I believe it would be very helpful for all the developers (and potential developers!) on this site to be able to see what features are planned for next releases, which features are not explicitly planned short-term, and where the architecture is evolving to.

Forum improvements for Drupal and

Last night I fiddled a bit with the forum module and's forum module in particular. I started off by reorganizing the forum structure to better address the needs of our growing community and to make sure the forums are well-balanced. Secondary objectives were to make the forums' design as user-friendly as possible and to make's forums a better showcase: that is, to illustrate how forum containers can be used to create nested forums and to convince people that Drupal forums can be themed to look more like phpBB or vBulletin forums.

Node-level permissions requirements and UI design

There's been a lot of talk about node-level access control on Drupal. I know that there are two threads mentioning access control - one for taxonomy, and one for nodes:

1. Taxonomy access control
2. Node access control

Apparently, Drumm has started design on a Group Management module here: that I haven't really looked at. Dries, in that thread, believes that proper node-level permissions can not be done in a module and must be done in the core. Before I started anything I decided to write a Requirements Document to ensure that everyone's on the same page, along with a proposal for a UI. I will probably go through the above module with the requirements in mind.


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