Expanded menu - Top Menu Link

Dear all,

On my website (www.evlbi.org, Drupal version 8.9.8) I have several menu items at the top of the page. 
If I select "show as expanded" for these items it is not possible to click on the "top" menu item.

CKEditor image dialog; default settings for Align and Caption

I would like to have align set to 'right' and caption enabled by default on the image dialog.

I was able to tweak other settings on the form with function myTheme_form_editor_image_dialog_alter. But the align and caption elements seem to be added with JS, the $form array does not have these items.

I'm using the CKEditor almost out of the box, with "Editor Advanced Image" module.

Forwarding to a node or registration on access denied error


Is there a way to automatically forward a user to the login/registration page instead of getting an [Access Denied] page?

Thanks for any input

How to create this structure mode for taxonomy in Rest ?

Hi !

How to create this structure for a specific category in taxonomy such as "Tags" in Rest ?

                    title: 'Parent1',
                    children: [{ title: 'Child1' }, { title: 'Child2' }],
                    title: 'Parent2',
                    children: [{ title: 'Child1' }, { title: 'Child2' }],

Adding empty items to a paragraphs widget in node form via ajax

Hey guys

After 2 days of searching and struggling I have to give up and ask for help with something that turned out to be a lot harder to do than I thought it would be :)

I have a node type of “course_application” which lets people sign up to courses. It has 2 fields:

Vanishing CKEditor

Hi All,

I am a bit confused with this, so any help appreciated! 

For whatever reason, I cannot seem to get the CKeditor to work with nodes in my drupal 8 install (which is hosted on cpanel).  It works for comments.

I have tried disabling the text formats (thats a bit of per-larva to get back), I have tried creating new ones, but for whatever reason if I create or edit a node the CKedtior doesn't appear for long text fields.


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