Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

My new site I built yesterday

Hello, Free to look it over and make any suggestions on anything.
Ill listen and make changes that I feel need be.



Tourist guide for Thassos
This is a tourist guide for Thassos island in Greece.It was made with drupal 6 and it use custom module that I've made for the weather from and custom javascript with the hotel node pages since the quicktabs module had some limitations I wanted to override.

Build Your Box Custom PCs UK UK Custom PC store

Build Your Box Custom PCs allows users to put together their ideal PC with options to choose every component and peripheral and create the product themselves. The website offers resources and information to help users when 'building' their PCs as well as technical support materials after purchase.

Build Your Box Website Loose Diamonds using Drupal 6

We have just relaunched our client's site They are a retailer of certified loose diamonds and other jewelry. Now customers can easily search their inventory using the the "Diamond Search Tool". A Live Chat feature has also been added. I do believe we've taken all the bugs out but let me know that you think, comments and criticisms are welcome!

I haven't seen it mentioned here already (forgive me if it has been), but I noticed today that Twitter's Developer Site is now (as of 7/11/2011) powered by Drupal. Their blog announcement doesn't mention Drupal...

...but perhaps someone in the know could reach out to their developers for the story?

New Community Satire/Humor Site(SarcaNews)

The Decision: Wanting to learn how to make a website and generally interested in business, I eyed an issue of Entrepreneur magazine at the airport a little more than a year ago, I bought the magazine and read it over a flight. The magazine covered CMS systems and making the choice between the big 3, wordpress, joomla, and drupal. I decided if I was going to make a website, it was going to be a big one. So it then became to choosing either Joomla or Drupal. I learned the basic outline of the systems, and played around with both, first with Joomla, and second with Drupal. I was very close to choosing Joomla due the fact that it was a lot more intuitive to work with, however I read various articles about drupal performance over joomla, the modular nature of drupal, and because Joomla had a lot of paid modules (Not a bad thing) but considering I'm finishing up college and don't have much money I choose Drupal.


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