The presents the church's agenda, ministers, videos, photo galleries, etc.
The site's color was personal preference of the pastor before the start of the design process... and fortunately he was pretty happy on the launch day :)
Basically its a community based real estate site for Alumni of a particular college.
Please give your inputs about the functionality of the site and how can I improve it.
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username: test123
password: test123
As I am new to Drupal so I hope your suggestions about my work will be very useful and valuable.
There are numerous entertainment sites focusing on movies out there, but no real movie-centric aggregator when I started this project a year ago. Digg killed its movie section with its infamous redesign, and Reddit's movie section was dominated by top ten lists and link baiting articles.
I was inspired to fill this space with after reading an article on how migrated from Pligg to Drupal with the Drigg module.
While voting is a big part of the site, its main purpose is to let users keep up with the latest news and gossips for movies in various stages of development, particularly the big Hollywood blockbusters. The voting part is to allow the site's community to float up news stories that are important to them.
It is pretty generic but it is up. I have memory restrictions from my host, so I wasn't able to get everything I wanted from my site, but I was able to get most of it. I used Drupal 6.22, Garland theme, Chatroom, Advanced Profile Kit, Image, Video, and later today I will be adding audio. It is a political free for all site, where people will actually have the chance to shout at other people, rather than the usual go to your favorite political site, but have nobody to actually shout at because they all share the same political view as you have.