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Create a "Website builder" tool with drupal 6.

Have you wondered how to build a "website builder" like,, etc, which allows registered users to build their own website with a simple click of a button. Well, with drupal and its following modules, it is possible. However to accomplish this task, it is recommended that you have basic knowledge of the following modules functionality.

Modules :
Drupal 6.x
Organic groups 6.x
OG menu 6.x
Pathauto 6.x
Blogtheme 6.x
Friendlist 6.x
Logintobogan 6.x
Rules 6.x
Simpletest 6.x with D6 patch
Notifications 6.x
Node limit 6.x
Token 6.x
Onepage profile 6.x
Private message 6.x
PMgrowl 6.x
Unique Field 6.x
Username check 6.x
User delete 6.x

These modules are installed via admin/modules (select checkbox). -> Save Configuration . Go to user permissions and enable the permission for the respective roles. With the modules installed we are ready to get started with configuration.

Go to administration -> Organic groups configuration -> Content types -> Group -> Edit. Now we rename the 'Group' content type to 'Website'. Then scroll below to the organic groups section and select the group node option. This will make the 'Website' content type as the group node. Scroll to Unique field settings and select TITLE and Content type and Each of the specified fields must have a unique value and Enabled. Save

Drupal 6 E-Commerce Website

Deroutdoorshop - A Drupal 6 E-commerce Website



Deroutdorrshop is a classic e-commerce site powered by Drupal 6 and Ubercart. The company was in a not so unusual situation: A well established EBay power seller, strong integration in Amazon and a totally outdated Shop solution with nearly no customers.
The new shop-system is designed to establish the own brand and bring more and more business to the own shop.
With no real Database or any commercial Software in the Background, we decided to look for a full open-source solution with a lot of flexibility.
Also, as the site will future more and more content from manufacturers, users and ourselves, we wanted as many community features available as possible for future use.
The new site is very easy to use, with almost the whole interface and all menus completely translated.
A lesson we have learned the hard way in other projects was, that the search-engine-optimizing is done the best right from the start; with Drupal it is easy to implement a lot of helpful features.
While at the moment, some features are currently not in use, it was important to us to include some SEM features and multilingual options from the beginning.
This way the shop can already generate revenue while the translations are going to be made at a later point.

AppSubmarine - my new website

You are invited to visit my new website:

That you Drupl & Druplers for allowing me (a non developer) to create this site.

Drupal 7 Website

We've developed this site for our customer:
It's a service for solar system cleaning. A spanish version is in progress.
The site uses standard modules like views, linkit, wysiwyg, i18n, webform and a self written module for google weather. It's not using Drupal's community features, but shows that Drupal can easily be used for usual company sites.

Cooper University Hospital Goes Drupal

Faced with a web presence that had grown from 1,000 pages and one site in 2003 to over 20,000 pages of content spanning numerous external blogs, a custom event registration system, a video management platform and a custom physician data management system, Cooper University Hospital had outgrown the proprietary CMS it had used for the past eight years.

After an extensive search, Drupal was chosen as the healthcare system’s new content management system as it was the only product, open source or proprietary, that could handle the organization’s requirements. From providing the necessary taxonomy to inter-relate hundreds of doctors and over 85 medical specialties with potentially thousands of available conditions, tests and treatments to the complex task of organizing, relating and presenting content for more than 40 office locations containing over 200 suites located throughout three states, Drupal provided the flexibility to meet Cooper’s needs without compromise.

In addition, Drupal is now acting as the organization’s central content hub, integrating content from Cooper’s blogs, event system and video content distribution network, allowing web team members to integrate this externally-hosted content into the site’s taxonomy system to be displayed as primary and related content.

Brand new Drupal 7 Craigslist Clone

The sample site is here.
Project documentation will be added on site as I find time to write it.

Please use the on site "Contact Carl" tab to request a copy of the module.
Yes, it is working on this site (sorry about the last one).

Set the location to "89123" and go to "for sale" > "boats" to see a sample ad.


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