Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section. relaunch, one of the first newspaper sites built on the Drupal platform (dating back to the 4.x era), has upgraded from D6 to Drupal 7 and a responsive design integrated with core enterprise systems for user/subscription and content/workflow management.

Details are here:

Hardware benchmarking using Drupal 7

Hi drupalistas!

I've been working on finding out what works and what doesn't concerning speed of Drupal 7 sites. For this I've made a module that pings admin/config page sevaral times and logs the results on screen. I've wrapped this module into a working Drupal 7 site with preinstalled modules to make the site emulate a real (big) one.
You can see current results here:

New agency portfolio on Drupal 8

Drupal 8 is amazing. Especially in-context, wysiwyg editing and previews.

Summer resort guide

It is a summer resort guide. I new nothing about Drupal 16 months ago. You would not believe how many times I have re-done sections of the site, as I have progressed, I realise there is a 'better' way of doing something.

Anyway, what do you think?

Multiplayer Game based on dopewars made with Drupal!?

I decided to prototype out a game concept using drupal (WTF, I know...) for a multiplayer version of dopewars. This is a pre-beta sneak peak I thought I'd give limited access for some feedback.

Created with drupal, nodejs and a healthy dose of
Anyways a bit about it's current state.

Website local organization

Hi guys! This is a website I built and I mantain for a local political organization using Drupal 7. In last few days, I changed the look, using a Bootstrap 3 theme. This is the link:

What do you think about it?

Please don't be too severe, I'm not a professional webmaster. :P

Thanks in advance!


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