Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

New website - informational

New website about Saint Lucia and all the things you can do or see here.

A drupal 7 work in progress.

Site for people who make music or video

Site : GYBO5

GYBO has, since 2002, been a place for people to share their creative output online.

Over the years, the site has used phpbb2 & 3, Joomla and even the old Proboards to run it.

This time, the latest update has brought Drupal into the mix. I'd love to know what you think of it. ( Who is trying out Drupal 8? )

Who is tinkering with Drupal 8?

I found 7's security updates to be a major pain in the tucas;

Our economy server would only allow so many dB queries at a time,
which resulted in a lot of error message learning curves.

We got a ton of junk attempts to signup,
so we need a CAPTCHA, preferably a scoot-able puzzle piece one...
Any suggestions?

And we need a good forum module...

Also: URL names: can you use dates & topic descriptions, instead of "nodes"?
Very antiquated, user-blah-unfriendly experience...

My Site - [Redesigned]

Hi everyone, I am a freelance web designer from Mumbai, India & have just redesigned & updated my website -

Following the google's new requirements that site should be fast & mobile friendly, I made the changes accordingly.
I have used a very few modules & the major modules playing the role in my site speed being -


Hello guys,

I am a student in Electrical and Computer Engineering and this site is developed form my master thesis:

Site for lovers of rare breed chickens

This is our site for devotees of rare breed chickens. built in drupal 7

and the attached online store and ubercart.

fully responsive and https.


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