Leader in services related to science communication, health and welfare, Media Editions from 2006, the monthly 60 Public Health Agenda, a magazine with national circulation in the scientific management is entrusted to Dr. Charles Gargiulo, a family physician and well-known columnist for Scientific and appreciated by the general public.
The magazine, developed with the collaboration of over 150 medical specialists and professionals, was founded with the mission of educating the public to a healthy lifestyle and proper behavior in the health sector. Agenda for Health is a point of reference for the topic health and well-being even with the Web portal www.agendasalute.com.
The site is designed as a virtual marketplace for exchange of information among medical specialists, and professionals in the health and welfare sector and the general public.
Since the beginning of 2010 is completely new graphics, enhanced content and new interactive services provide health and wellness.
The portal can be found free news, articles and insights, find useful information and services, and search specialists, companies and products in the world of health.