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Case Study: - an open data powered iphone & web app

The website and iphone app were created by Gregg and Angella Coppen of iaminawe as an entry into the Apps4Edmonton competition being held in partnership with The City of Edmonton. The Edmonton Fringe Festival is North Americas largest & longest running theatre festival with over 160 productions, 1,200 performances and 39 venues this year. The app aims to make sure that you dont miss out on anything by helping you to plan your festival, write and read reviews on what shows are popular and access useful maps and information.

The decision to create an app for the competition came about after several conversations about how we could begin moving our web skills into the world of iphone app development and after watching Sumit Kataria's awesome presentation from Drupalcon SF 2010 on using Drupal as a base for iphone/ipad/android apps and finding out about Titanium, this seemed like a perfect opportunity to take the dive and learn some new skills.

Rebuild, revamped & re energized!

A few finishing touches to go but after a good 30+ hour run (100+ content pages added) I'm really pleased with my effort so I'm taking a break to share. Web site creation is a "very part time" gig for me in support of my wife's business. This is our 3rd iteration for a business that started about 4 yrs ago and I've been with drupal since the first cut. I'm really pleased that we have a first rate tool like Drupal to help noobs like me get this stuff done. Hats off to the cummunity!!

New Drupal website


This my latest website: Siti

The website uses Drupal 6.19 and the latest versions of Views, CCK, Diff, WYSIWYG, Semantic Views (very very very useful, I really like this module) and some other modules like Mollom, Imagecache, some imagefield related modules (imagefield token, filefield path) and xmlsitemap.

Meta tags and other SEO features are manged by the template which I've made from scratch.

Announcing focused on helping small business with social media marketing

We just launched anyone can sign up for a free profile and use that profile to promote themselves and their business. Our focus is on social media, so listed you social media assets is a good this. Our next step is to roll our our social media publishing software. Take a look, and sign up if you wish.

Atenea tech new website

The new Atenea tech website (, a drupalshop company from Barcelona, have a clean design, based on the old website design and our new corporative brand.

my first attempt :)

hi all,

(sorry for Bad english :P)

i am shanid. i built a website with drupal. this is my first attempt. Actually i am not a web designer or a programmer. but i badly needed to built a site. after some googling i found details about CMSs. i started with joomla. but which is not fulfill my needs. then i moved to drupal. trust me drupal is awesome friends. but my problem was its very difficult to learn at starting. After reading many tutorials i learned a bit. thanks to the Gurus.


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