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Module Buffet

I am a drupal noob, but I created this website to share local photo locations and props. It uses views, location, filefield, lightbox to name a few (probably nearly 30 modules in all). I need advice on how to make the site more streamlined. It feels very bulky right now. I am getting many hits but no interaction with the content (content creation...ect)

Joe Register


My first drupal site:

Some of the modules used are :
3.Taxonomy Menu
4.nice menu

Any comments / criticism welcome...

Many Thanks

Alternative Drupal Tutorials Web

hi guys, just want to inform you we're building Drupal tutorials Web on We committed to add more tutorials in next week. Thanks.

Take a look...

It's fairly plain jane, but the client likes it. Any comments / criticism welcome...

Little Kitties for Big Cats: National Geographic's Fundrasing Site

This site was built very quickly and without great expense thanks to Drupal and the following modules: CCK, Views, Imagecache. It's raising money to save Big Cats (lions, tigers, leopards, etc) through National Geographic's programs in Africa and Asia.

I don't know of another CMS that could have produced this site with such little effort. It was really a joy to use Drupal to do what it was designed to do, which in my opinion, is to produce turnkey sites quickly.

Stunch - Art Gallery Website built with Zen

Hi Guys,

I have built a few commercial sites now using Drupal, and I think what makes this CMS so much better than the others are contributions by the community, modules like Views and CCK make Drupal so versatile and the community support is second to none.

This site is just for my own pleasure really, I enjoy looking at fun and clever art and I decided to put a little image gallery together.


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